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tought 03-11-2008 02:46 AM

That's cool

Juice 03-06-2009 02:41 PM

Is simplymaya not online anymore? I have points there, but it says the domain is parked! ... I had no informations about that, and I think I had 300 points there!Maybe I can transfer them here to simplylightwave? any help?

ellis 03-06-2009 03:59 PM

Simplymaya is still online but the site's been moved and is currently hosted at

So don't worry, your points are not lost.

Juice 04-06-2009 09:14 AM

now I see what happens, thank you for the information ellis

despraise 22-10-2009 02:32 PM

hi guys!, Great offer, thanks!

Papillon626 22-03-2010 05:01 PM

I like the idea of a point system, but I really do think there should be more ways to acquire them. I have no money to purchase them, and while I would like to try and be active on the forums, I'm still a little green around Lightwave and not too helpful except with absolute beginners. My starting points were barely enough to get me one whole tutorial, and I kind of need one of the others because I've got a big project this semester. (My teacher keeps teaching us about layout, but hardly anything with modeler.)

ellis 23-03-2010 06:11 PM


I'm glad to hear you like the points system. I like it too as I think it's nice to be able to pay for only the parts that you're interested in and not have to purchase a full project at once.
I take it you've already gone through the tutorials in the free section, there's quite few things there on modeler and even if they were made a while back the instructors who made them are very skillful in Lightwave so you should be able to learn a fair bit there.

For a way to get points you could take part in one of the bi-monthly challenges held over at Simply Maya, the prize is 100 points and they can be transferred to Simply Lightwave or Simply Max. They're open for all software normally, and as they run over a two month period it should give you plenty of time to finish a project, even if your skills in 3D would be a bit limited. As well you learn quite a bit while going through one. Below is a link to the one that finished a few days back and in the end only one guy completed it so it's a good way to get some points at the moment. I think the one before that only had three entries in the end as well.

I think the Avatar one was quite difficult, but if you have a look at some of the older ones here it will give you a better general idea.

There should be a new challenge starting in a week or so, I'll post it on this site as well when it does. And you could give it a go, nothing to loose;)

NelsonJames 12-01-2021 08:35 AM

I've still got a few points left. Yea me !

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