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doncha_magoso 15-06-2004 01:52 AM

man!!! too many polys!!! but niiiiiiiiiice model you´ve got there... really nice... love it!

R4s1n 15-06-2004 02:25 AM

I wish i could have less polys but then i would have to get rid of all the nice details.

BTW. One of these rims costs about $500-600 in real life. Pretty expensive :)

morghen 17-06-2004 08:25 PM

awesome work dude ! i've seen one on the streed these days great looking car !

nino 25-06-2004 12:58 PM

nice work. keep it up.
great caps. is it all one object?

R4s1n 26-06-2004 01:34 AM

For the Rim - Everything is joined except for the Konig Logo.

For the Car - Every single piece is a different layer.

BTW i haven't been able to update the car with the end of school nearing. I'll be finished with school at the end of June. Pennsylvania has some messed up laws for homeschooling.

R4s1n 27-06-2004 06:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Finally after about two weeks of Lightwave starvation i was able to squeeze in some time. This is all i could complete.

Fallenswordsman 27-06-2004 08:09 AM

That looks like a mad number of polys you have there! But I love the detailing!

doncha_magoso 27-06-2004 10:39 PM

man it looks better every time I see it!!!

R4s1n 28-06-2004 12:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Almost finished with the rim...

R4s1n 29-06-2004 03:20 AM

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Done with the rim and now i have to add the treads. The rims sits at 15k polys. :D

sspikedudley 29-06-2004 09:18 AM

way to many poly but it is looking excellent i look forward to seeing the rest of this

Fallenswordsman 29-06-2004 02:34 PM

With that number of polys I think my computer would just display a message on screen saying "You what?" and then die on me.

R4s1n 30-06-2004 05:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I started the tread of the bumpmapping....and it came out being 11K polys :D

As you can see in the attached image the tread is full of unwelded vertices. Those are going to be done manually.

Shawry 01-07-2004 07:27 AM

Thats looking very nice indeed! Im concerned about the poly count though :S
One crit for the tyre, on the side there shouldnt be grooves. THey are only on the actual face of the tyre. Unles of course this is a specific tyre which is unique.

Roux 01-07-2004 08:35 AM

This is do you say it?.....Totally Sick!!!!! I love the rim and the poly count doesn't seem that high for such a detailed mesh.

I do have to agree with Shawry on the tyre though. Is this what you are referring to about the unwelded polys?

R4s1n 01-07-2004 09:49 AM

Now that Shawry mentioned it i looked at the reference and saw that he was correct. After i get home from work i'll attach an image of the Toyo tire that I am using and a render with body+wheels.

Thanx for the crits and the compliments :)

bullet_evader 01-07-2004 12:35 PM

looking good...but how much is 11k?? does that mean your object have 11.000 polygons???

keep on going with this one

sspikedudley 01-07-2004 12:49 PM

yep the tire is 11,000 and the alloy is 15,000

morghen 01-07-2004 08:55 PM

great wont be able to render it...unless you have an SGI :(

doncha_magoso 02-07-2004 01:50 AM

what a nice and detailed model... but I agree with MORGHEN and FALLENSWORDMAN...

How long does it takes to render those previews man?

R4s1n 02-07-2004 02:54 AM

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[Edit] The renders are all under 3 mins (unless i add ray trace shadows)
The last render that i will post took me about 20+ mins to render. Shadows+Antialiasing Medium+50,000+ polys

The toyo tire that i am using...You might notice that theirs has less tread than mine. But i don't feel like redoing the whole thing again.

R4s1n 02-07-2004 03:00 AM

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This is the wheel all patched up.

R4s1n 02-07-2004 03:03 AM

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And this is the 350Z with the wheels.

R4s1n 09-07-2004 01:21 AM

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I haven't forgot about this car :) I have added color and Specularity for my own personal reference to see any unsightly bulging.

I have added side mirror, the line on the side that extrudes out, and the indent in the bumper where the Logo of the Z or Nissan will go. Oh and also the Top layer of the Tail Light.

R4s1n 09-07-2004 01:23 AM

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Render #2

R4s1n 09-07-2004 01:25 AM

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Render #3

R4s1n 09-07-2004 01:27 AM

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And the Last Render....Should i lower the car onto the wheels????

Fallenswordsman 09-07-2004 06:07 AM

Well, this looks like its coming along nicely. There are still gaps in your mesh but you probably realise that without Captain Obvious having to point it out for you!

morghen 09-07-2004 07:16 PM

yes lower it a litle bit ! it looks awesome !

R4s1n 10-07-2004 01:44 AM

Thanx guys! Yea i'll try to fix the gaps by the next render.

morghen 12-07-2004 09:51 PM

oh...use a double sided material for the body so the shadow will be in one piece

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