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LaMereHic 10-06-2005 09:35 PM

Realistic Head
i am starting a head (realistic)
and i a trying to set up sasquash too
i hava e lot of teak and work to do before it comes good, but as i said it is the start
C&c are welcome

LaMereHic 10-06-2005 09:58 PM

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here is the pict

LaMereHic 10-06-2005 09:59 PM

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here another view

LaMereHic 10-06-2005 10:29 PM

a side view
the hair is not done yet, it is just indicative

LaMereHic 11-06-2005 12:19 PM

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here is a update
i begun the ears and added some details to the eyes

nemac4 11-06-2005 12:24 PM

Try to use a few photos for reference. You'll be suprised how much it will help your work. Also print out the head and try sketching a skull over the image to check the proportions or overlay a photo in photoshop. Think about how the bones and muscles look under the skin. Using good photos for backdrops will help with some of the proportion issues.

LaMereHic 11-06-2005 03:04 PM

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i restarted the modeling because i couldn't get what i want with boxmodeling, so i am trying the polygon extender to get to the expected result.
from now there is nothing much to see though
but i think it will be a little more precise for me

colto 12-06-2005 04:44 AM

using extender is much better than box modelling IMHO. Good Luck!:beer:

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 02:54 AM

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a new update

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 05:24 AM

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a bit of the nose

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 08:04 AM

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slowly but surely, i am getting to the ears
a lot of work still tweaks etc..,
but i think i am more precise than in the previous version
comments and critics are still welcome

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 09:34 AM

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roughtly the head done

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 01:21 PM

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here is little update with a first render to see what it does give..
(still not good )
many different problems....:alien:
i don't really see exactly where it it not good
i 'll try pushing and pulling...

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 01:49 PM

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a big change in the proportion
seems to get better

bullet_evader 13-06-2005 07:12 PM

looks nice there dude,

could we see a render/screen from the side view? the back of the head looks a bit weird from this view.

also i would move the chin a bit forward.

wires are looking clean **thumps up smilie**

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 08:31 PM

i tried sasquash a bit...
the model isn't finished yet, there are still a lots of detail that are wrong

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 08:35 PM

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here is the pict

LaMereHic 13-06-2005 08:56 PM

you are right bullet_evader there is something weirdo in the side view but cannot put a word on it..
maybe tomorow morning i'll be able to see what is wrong...

maybe the skull is a bit tiny at the back....

LaMereHic 14-06-2005 08:16 AM

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a little update, with a few tweaks
and a bit of textures

LaMereHic 14-06-2005 08:41 AM

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i have size up the pupils and narowed a bit the eyes
it is still not it but it comes slowly
i ll have to work on the hair too..
comments and critics are still welcome

bullet_evader 15-06-2005 06:00 PM

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You're doing good there. their are 3 things i have to say.

1. Move the ear something more in the middle of the head ( blue lines )
2. i would change the forehead and nose a bit ( red lines ), it's not that it's wrong at the moment, but it gives a bit more realism to your head ( i think ).
3. somethings wrong with the eyes. maybe rotate them a bit outward. they are also sticking a bit outside the face to much. i think you can solve that problem by making the eyelids thicker.

good luck!!
hope i am being of some help!!

EDIT: the beard (the chin-hair-stuff, don't know if you call that a beard ) is very nice done.

LaMereHic 15-06-2005 10:38 PM

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Thanks for your comment bullet_evader, i am gonna check theses points, i updated a bit my mesh and i am getting a bit closer from reality, but some points are still wrong.
i am trying to get a better texture looking too, but it is still not realistic, it is too clean,have too work on that.

LaMereHic 16-06-2005 01:41 PM

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a little update

LaMereHic 16-06-2005 01:42 PM

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another view

bullet_evader 16-06-2005 04:16 PM

Great progress!!!

Now he reminds me of Gordon Freeman!!

LaMereHic 16-06-2005 10:23 PM

maybe but it is me :p
and my life is much qieter than morgan feeman's

colto 17-06-2005 01:32 AM

I think the nose is a tad to large.

LaMereHic 17-06-2005 12:07 PM

i have a weird thing going on with sasquash...
on all my surface attributed for hair, it adds some hair to the lashes
i cannot remove it and i do not find why..
i might done something wrong but don't find what.. if anybody has ideas...

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