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JohnD5000 25-11-2005 02:57 PM

Tyrobosaurus Mechs
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By popular demand, I am now starting a thread for a uni project. This project lasts the whole year and I'm combining 2D with 3D. I've started modeling my main charcter(a wee boy)s bed room. So far I only have the main walls and bed modelled. Here's how it looks at the moment. I'll maybe get my sketch scanned and post it soon so you can see how I plan it to look by the end. This shouldn't take me too long to finish.
Still not sure on the look of it, I'll probably go cell shaded though seeing as I'm combining it with 2D.

davie563 25-11-2005 03:04 PM

Looking good John !

We finnaly got you to post a thread, Now we have to get Peter to do the same ;)

Im looking forward to seeing this develop, ive seen a few tests u showed me in class, and it seemed to work really well 2gether.

Keep it comin :beer:

JohnD5000 25-11-2005 03:18 PM

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Here's a better wire frame view so that it's a bit clearer (I've added a pillow now:p)

I'll maybe get a pic of my test up too then Fraser!

Fallenswordsman 25-11-2005 03:59 PM

Good start - a whole year for a project? I think I'd go stir crazy! I look forward to seeing where you head with this one.

JohnD5000 26-11-2005 12:52 AM

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Alright, here's how it has progressed at the end of the day.
I've done most of the modelling, just a few more bits and bobs to be done, a few toys on the drawers, the curtains, a light on the ceiling, then I think it's on to textures. Shouldn't take too long to texture because of the style, probably take a while to get the books looking right though. I won't bother posting that sketch of the room as it is nearly done, but I'll probably post up sketches of the next lot of models before I start them.

I like that I have the whole year for the project, but then we have lots of other projects on the go during that time as well, and we're already nearly half way through that time already, so it soon flys in.

JohnD5000 26-11-2005 12:53 AM

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...and another angle:

davie563 26-11-2005 02:52 PM

nice john, good work :p


Peter Murphy 27-11-2005 12:00 AM

A TIDY Kids room? What are on?


Looking good John !

We finnaly got you to post a thread, Now we have to get Peter to do the same.

Fallenswordsman 27-11-2005 06:29 AM

Coming along leaps and bounds here from the inception. Can't really crit anything at this stage.

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 04:32 PM

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Yeah Pete, his mum tidied the room a while before they went to the shops but there's still a few toys lying around (and a sock sticking out from the drawer) to show a bit of activity, but most of his things have been put away. The action figure is a character in another of my animations by the way, that's why it's already coloured.
I've finished the modelling now, I think. I'll be moving onto texturing it after dinner.
Here's a few angles that show off the new stuff I've added. I may add in a few more posters on the walls to busy it up a bit more.

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 04:33 PM

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His toy chest and trike:

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 04:34 PM

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And an interesting angle to show the ceiling light.

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 05:10 PM

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I noticed a couple of glitches in the second image so have fixed them now:

davie563 27-11-2005 05:37 PM

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John, u know their is a Text Modeling tool in lightwave ?

Here is how u set it up..........U prob know this anyway

davie563 27-11-2005 05:39 PM

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the reason why i posted that we tut is because looking at ur type i can see that some of ur polys are not fittin properly.

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 05:45 PM

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Yeah I know, I've been working on it!
:beer: anyway!
I didn't want to just use a font, I wanted to make it my own and I already noticed this so I just remodeled the whole text, here's how it is now:
Think I'm finished modeling now! (Except I just remembered something I may add to it, I'll see how I feel later)

Fallenswordsman 27-11-2005 05:53 PM

Blimey, this is coming along quickly enough isn't it? How come you guys are so quick at modelling and I model at the speed of a snail using Lightwave 5 on a 386?

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 09:44 PM

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Man, that's a clever snail. Okay, here's the final model before I texture. It's quite strange and pointless but was in my original sketch. It's in the socket incase you can't make it out. It's a wee night light sort of thing!

davie563 27-11-2005 09:48 PM

lol, Night light !

Nice we extra, will look nice with a glow and possibly a different colour light to hit other objects


JohnD5000 27-11-2005 10:32 PM

Well, not really sure about it casting extra light or anything since it'll be cell shaded but I'll see what I can do, don't want too much attention took away from what's actually going on in the animation.

danny09 27-11-2005 10:33 PM

Finally signed up John, that should keep you happy when sending me hunners of links to this site...The room is looking good man, it reminds me of the days of modelling my room in 3d max, ahh how I enjoyed that. Nice work, looking forward to seeing it textured n that. ;)

JohnD5000 27-11-2005 10:39 PM

It'll make Fraser much happier than me.

davie563 27-11-2005 11:10 PM


Hi Danny, nice to see u here !

U goin to start a thread soon so we can see ur work develop ?

:attn: :attn:

danny09 27-11-2005 11:23 PM


Originally posted by davie563

Hi Danny, nice to see u here !

U goin to start a thread soon so we can see ur work develop ?

:attn: :attn:

Yipp, i'm now a member of simply lightwave, glad u's guys have all welcomed me with open arms! i'll put something on it this 'space'.

JohnD5000 28-11-2005 03:59 PM

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Alright, here's a few stills from the test that Fraser was talking about earlier!
I did this just to show that I could combine the 2D with the 3D and it was a short scene with the camera rotating round a character in a room.

davie563 28-11-2005 04:24 PM

yeah, this we scene was well done. U managed to keep the perspective very well as the camera rotated....

It will be very interesting to see final shots develop, if done well u will have somthing very original and very eye catching to show at the end !

keep up the good work ! :beer:

:attn: :attn: :attn:

danny09 28-11-2005 05:15 PM

It was a very nice test piece john i have to say.. when i done my animation combining 2d characters in a 3d environment i never used such complexed camera movement cos i struggled to keep perspective, but well done! good work :beer:

JohnD5000 28-11-2005 05:21 PM

There'll probably not be that many complex camera moves in the final peice if any (I'm trying to look at it cinamaticaly as far as angles etc go) but the test worked to show that it could be done. It wasn't as smooth as I hope the final animation will be but it worked.

JohnD5000 30-11-2005 01:47 AM

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Right, here's some renders of the cel shaded room. Took a bit longer than I expected to texture it because I also had to alter some of the models so that the edges would appear in the right places, but I finally got it. I have learned a fair bit though while doing this.
There's a little space for another poster on the wall, that doesn't exist yet but apart from that I'm pretty much finished.
Let me know what you think.
And look out for more models for this project here as soon as I make a start on them or any more possible updates on this one!

davie563 30-11-2005 03:02 PM

Really impressive John. The renders look of very high quality. It turned out alot better than i thought, the cel-shader can be a bot of a nightmare. Very GOOD !

The colours are another thing i like !!

:attn: :attn:

JohnD5000 30-11-2005 05:42 PM

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Thanks man, here's a closeup of the books as requested!
  • Theseus and the Minotaur The Novelisation
  • Tonic the Tortoise
  • How to draw cartoons
  • Bogone
  • The Amenders
  • Advanced Quantum Physics
  • Train of Thought
  • and Dinosaurs

davie563 30-11-2005 06:43 PM

Hi, this is lookin good, i really love these renders, the colour choice is great

kilvano 30-11-2005 10:29 PM

i love cel shading....

Its a really good effect to make a 3d thing look not 3d. Have a look at the alternative cel shading plug-ins. I think they are on Ive had a small play but they work really well.

i used the lightwave one last year for my drummer thing which didnt turn out right.

I expect cel shading cartoons to turn out like pokemon or somthing but they never do.

That lookis really good so far.

Good luck

danny09 30-11-2005 10:49 PM

i have to admit john, i'm impressed with the room too, especially the time it took you to do it all. I know when i was doing mine, i tended to muck about changing hings all the time, all we need to see now is some animation within it!:p

JohnD5000 30-11-2005 11:10 PM

Apreciate the positive feeback guys, keep it comin'! ;)
Yeah I found just before I was "texturing" it! I got a few good tips from it.
I didn't use the default shader for it, I got the unReal shader from Pete. It has some good effects in it (like cross hatching and colours that look painted) that I'd like to get into but for now I'm just looking for the basic 2D feel to go with my characters.
I think I seen bits of your drummer animation, looked good to me.
I only really cel shaded it because I'm putting 2D characters in it but I've also liked cel shading since I first seen it done in computer games. Then seeing it in Futurama long before I ever done 3D I was well impressed. I noticed it right away in Futurama but some people I've found don't.
But anyway, yeah thanks guys!
It'll be a wee while before I start animating anything on it yet Danny, I'll probably do an image though with my character in the scene in the near future to see how it looks.
Now lets see you make a thread, Danny!

JohnD5000 29-01-2006 12:07 AM

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Alright folks, here we go. I know there's thousands of you out there wondering what happened to the rest of this project. Well it's still in production and this is my latest addition. I have been working on modeling the logo for this project today and this is where I'm at so far. Still to texture it.
The next thing I'll be working on after this will be my first character, a robot T-Rex!

davie563 29-01-2006 01:51 AM

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Looking great John, when i saw this i thought u could add a nice bump map to the ground and show other creatures coming throu, i threw this we example 2gether, u could spend more time on it and get the skull sorta poping out and a claw or tooth sticking out, might make the ground plane more exciting, u could uses bump maps which wouldnt mean alot of modelling.

Great work thou, keep it comin

JohnD5000 29-01-2006 01:16 PM

Yeah that looks cool man. Think I'll do something like that, it's just gave me more ideas too. I threw together a wee animatic sort of thing for the intro so I'll let ya see that. Still gonna work on it a wee bit still though, timing ain't great yet. Thought of a thing I could do with your idea in that too. Nice one! This is all coming together! :attn:

JohnD5000 30-01-2006 08:29 AM

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Alright folks, I'm taking a bit of time away from the logo while I work a few things out.
So in the mean time I'm going to start modeling the friendly young chap you see below. His names Rexoid and he's out for revenge!

davie563 30-01-2006 03:04 PM

:attn: Lookin cool john, that will look cool when modelled. What colours will the actual thing bee, does it have a metalic finish ?

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