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arma 20-04-2011 04:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
After much thought ive decided to have a crack at Marvin

Part 1 finished , time for work

David 20-04-2011 05:35 PM

I love Marvin, I hope you like the tutorial. I'm negotiating with Milivoj now so hopefully he'll be back with some new tutorials soon! More advanced ones.

I look forward to your progress on this!

arma 20-04-2011 09:34 PM

Cool Milivoj is a good teacher

God its boring at work tonight

wish we had a good Pc here could crack on Marvin

NVM will have a few hours when i get home ;)

bullet1968 21-04-2011 01:13 AM

I love Marvin too.....good luck with it mate!

cheers bullet

arma 21-04-2011 08:45 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Part 2 Finished

Time for Some shut eye


arma 21-04-2011 04:59 PM

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Woke up and straight to Part 3

Think this is the first humanoid character i have ever modeled

mainly mechanical and normal day objects

Well anyhowz here the WIP


David 21-04-2011 05:39 PM

Nice mate looks almost exactly the same as Milivoj's :)


bullet1968 22-04-2011 01:53 AM

Looks good mate...keep it up

cheers bullet

arma 22-04-2011 12:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Decided not to sleep after nights today got 5 days off now with bank holiday , Good times.

Anyhows mopped up Part 4 an 5 this morning...

Here's Marvin

Having quite a bit of fun doing this one :)

David 22-04-2011 01:42 PM

Pretty fast progress I must say looking good.


arma 22-04-2011 03:07 PM

To hot to go out in Derbyshire

Sat in doors with a few cans of strongbow and lightwave


arma 22-04-2011 04:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
A few beers later and part 6 finished

ellis 22-04-2011 06:39 PM

Nothing like a few beers, or some cider, and modeling Marwin the cool little dude :D Going at this pace you'll be done by tomorrow, great job there.

arma 22-04-2011 09:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Part 7 finished ,,, Phew that was tricky

arma 23-04-2011 10:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Did a little clay wire render

David 23-04-2011 11:49 AM

Dam mate were going to have to produce 4 tutorials a week just to keep up with you!

Nice job

arma 23-04-2011 11:57 AM

That an excellent idea David

Keep em coming

I always was good at coping..But when it came to imagination i fell down my art teach said


arma 23-04-2011 09:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Part 8 9 10 finished , So is marvin
I altered a few minor things.Gave him some nice green eyes was one
Was a great tutorial.. Heres the finally Render of Little old Marvin


bullet1968 25-04-2011 02:31 AM

Mate you are quick LOL...cider eh? I used to LOVE Strongbow dry...not allowed to drink it anymore...sigh....nice model mate...and too hot LOL...sorry mate...where I work it gets to 50°c....thats bloody hot. Im going to do the Maya...the bloody 30 day trial wont work...damnit! NIce modelling mate!

cheers bullet

arma 25-04-2011 09:16 AM

Ekk 50c was only 28 here and that was to hot for me...
thats for comments. i was gonna do defiant but got so many to get cracking on couldn't decide..

maybe i will try that and we could compair them :D

Maya vs Lightwave render

bullet1968 25-04-2011 09:31 AM

That would be an interesting comparison...:)

arma 25-04-2011 10:21 AM

Feeling bad now.. cos i know maya will lose


Gonna start Defiant after dinner

bullet1968 25-04-2011 10:33 AM

not depends on how good the artist is LOL...and as I am crap and you are good...then yes I will lose...LOL

arma 25-04-2011 10:38 AM


i am crap.. was just very good at copying at school .. shame i never had an imagination

still managed to get me O level

But 3d is totally different

And your work is not crap ive seen ya work on maya and looks great

by now i should be doing my own work

ive been playing with lightwave since version 5.6

prefer to do tutorials for some reason

got so many all dan alban loads of kurv plus many many more but simply is my home


bullet1968 25-04-2011 01:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks mate...I think you pip me at the post though for modelling....anyhoo seeing that we (well I used to ) love a tipple of the ol apple juice...I think we shall get on like a house on fire. Here is effort 1...I appear to have a few extra faces on the front section but I will delete them later. It is very difficult to follow...but I think I have the hang of it...some nice tools in LW I must say...'shear' being a bloody bewdy.

cheers bullet

P.S I have lost my mojo with Maya this little challenge is just what I need, not too complicated a model etc...well its not a challenge as I go back to work after tomorrow...lets say a friendly artfest?

arma 25-04-2011 01:48 PM

hehe nice m8y

just got back home

will start now

copy ya picture to the trhead i made :0

bullet1968 25-04-2011 01:52 PM

LOL no probs mate

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