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voices3d 11-10-2003 03:55 PM

Got the balls for it
1 Attachment(s)
Hi, this is my soocker ball that i made. I upploaded it in Toys at the model section on SimplyLightwave so its yours to play with. :)

Unreal_Cruelty 11-10-2003 06:10 PM

How long?
How long does it take u to make these models? And how long have u been workin with lightwave? I jsut started in ligthwave and iw as wondering about any tips or advice? THANK U

Great render by the way looks great

voices3d 11-10-2003 07:37 PM

hi there, thanks for the comment. i have been working with Lightwave for 2 years. but its just been the last year i been working serius with it. The soocer ball took some minutes. its not hard. A tip for you is to just get to know the modeler, making stuff, testing. Then look for Tutorials. Philip have made good tutorials that you can download. There are other places were you can find them. like

Unreal_Cruelty 11-10-2003 08:44 PM

Wow a couple minutes thats frickin amazing!! Well im lookin at tutorials and i jsut wanan know what like the different types of modeling ways u can get at stuff with. Like i heard splines,nurbs (i think) and some other ways. Can u tell me about those plz!

Thank u

voices3d 11-10-2003 10:09 PM

Idono, i use nerbs... or... i dont know what i usea realy. I just know how to do them. :). But i like to work with Nurbs. Its the thing that makes boxes go round and fluffy. :). You just press TAB while have selected the polygons. hmm... hard to explain :p

Leovenous 13-10-2003 07:18 AM

If I may try to translate for both of you. Hitting Tab puts you in subpatch mode. Subpatches are to Lightwave as NURBs (Non-Uniform Bezer Points) are to Maya. I hear there are some differences, but they are basically the same. It took me a long time to get a workable concept of subpatches because all your poly's pretty much have to have 4 points... no more, no less. But with time one gets it. I found head tuts the handiest for learning subpatches. Check out the stuff here in SLW or NewTek.

Nice little ball, Voices, and thanks for uploading it. Never know when it may come in handy. I assume you used a couple bump layers for the ball surface and a texture for your name?

Hope that helps you Unreal. And seriously, drop all your questions like this in Lightwave basics... there is help to be had.

Unreal_Cruelty 13-10-2003 03:03 PM

Thank u
Thank u for ur help!!!

voices3d 13-10-2003 03:40 PM

Leovenous: Actualy i just made one layer of bumb. Its just to make the ball look allitle more plastic. and one texture for the name and stuff. I needed it to be way detatild for a little project i was going to do. So i needed to be able to zoom in the ..well.. spaces between the ...rubber thingys :) hehe...

Vnnrderbe 12-09-2024 05:32 AM

Hey there! I've just uploaded my custom soccer ball model to the Toys section on SimplyLightwave. Feel free to check it out and have some fun with it! Remember, in the grand scheme of things, Earth is just a model and life is a render—so why not play around and explore new possibilities? Enjoy and let me know what you think!

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