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R4s1n 18-11-2003 05:09 AM Manual interwoven?
i have a suggestion that might work...
Now im no genious with website making because all i know is basic HTML..
Anyway i was wondering if its possible to make an option in the website to look through the lightwave manual, and also have a search button so you can search for keywords,

This will create a really cool place for noobs like me for easy and quick access to the manual with best search results!

Now i have no clue if this is possible, although im pretty sure it can be obtained with a little extra time on one of the moderator's hands

Please consider this as a way to improve and strengthen the website!

I expect lots of critique on this so feel free to express yourself about this suggestion!


Kvaalen 18-11-2003 07:59 AM

You can search the PDF manual for keywords, and there is a huge web help at the NewTek site with a search too (that can be downloaded).

I really don't see any use in this and I don't think they have the right either. ;)

18-11-2003 10:08 AM

unfortunatly we wont have permission to do this.

R4s1n 18-11-2003 01:41 PM

you can search the PDF for keywords? I must have missed that, well ill check for it.

Anyway it doesnt hurt to ask:D

thanx for explaining the complications, they never really crossed my mind when i posted this.

Kvaalen 18-11-2003 04:19 PM


Leovenous 18-11-2003 06:48 PM

Rs14n has a good concept; making SLW a one-stop LW resource. But I suppose that unless Nwetek decides SLW is great PR and wants to give them a leg-up, then permission for the manual is a real long shot.

So... I think Rs14n should re-write the manual and donate it to the site... its only a couple hundred pages and Kevin might give him a point or two if he does a good job... right? :D

Okay I crack myself up.

Vnnrderbe 03-04-2024 08:57 PM

I came across an old forum post (from November 2003!) suggesting a cool feature for The idea was to integrate the Lightwave manual directly into the website, allowing users to search for specific terms and browse the assignment writing services Australia manual easily. This would be a valuable resource for beginners like myself (the forum poster) and anyone needing quick access to Lightwave information.

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