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Gamb!t 07-12-2003 10:42 PM

di2 plugins
can any1 tell me where to get the di2 plugin pack 4 lightwave 7.0 plz? really need it =[ an a canny find it anywhere

philip 08-12-2003 12:09 PM

no idea what this plugin pack is, but have you tried a search on

mrunion 08-12-2003 01:38 PM

Unless I am mistaken it is David Ikeda's plugins. I believe these are no longer available as they may have been exclusively licensed by Newtek. It has something to do with the upcoming Lightwave 8 release.

See forums for more information.

Kvaalen 08-12-2003 08:42 PM

Mrunion is right, just look at his site:

They are really great tools and if someone doesn't have them he is missing out.

sod 08-12-2003 09:26 PM

Its freeware, so I hope its not illegal to post them here. Not everyone are going to buy Lightwave 8. :>

Kvaalen 08-12-2003 09:52 PM


Originally posted by sod
Its freeware, so I hope its not illegal to post them here. Not everyone are going to buy Lightwave 8. :>
I'm afraid that is not very leagal. If that were the case he'd host them himself, but he says they belong to NewTek and therefore he can't. :(

Mark 09-12-2003 01:40 AM

Yep. NewTek have bought the rights to the IP lock, stock and both smoking barrels. Since the plugins weren't distributed with any form of license, then I'm afraid it's now illegal to obtain them from anywhere except direct from NewTek.

If you follow this thread over at NewTek's forums, there's a whole at length discussion over the morality of whether these should continue to be free or not...

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