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moenzi 08-12-2003 12:18 AM

subpatch level
Can I change the subpatchlevel in lightwave
thanks guys:D

R4s1n 08-12-2003 02:39 AM

yes, hit hotkey "O" and there is a place called "patch division" increase it if u want to, i believe that the highest you can change it to is "8" but i am not sure,

Mark 08-12-2003 12:36 PM

Well it actually depends on where you're looking for it.

In modeller, it appears where r4s1n says - in the options panel. You're not restricted to any particular maximum value, but remember that the higher you set this the heavier the object will become to render.

In Lightwave there are two settings in the object properties panel (select an object and hit 'p'). The 'Display subpatch level' will set the number of subdivisions in the layout's openGL display. The 'Render subpatch level' will be the number of subdivisions you get in the final render.

moenzi 09-12-2003 03:21 PM

Thanks verry much guys it turned out great!

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