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MONFOODOO 16-01-2004 05:07 AM

alpha tranparency on image
how do i get a transparency around an image(say,a medallion)on a flat plane.Bryce has a blend trans setting for image and alpha.
i almost had it,then i confused myself and came here.
thanks scott

kumar 16-01-2004 05:12 AM

Hmm, dont really understand what you are saying, So here is what i think, When you render out an image, you can save the alpha from the viewer. So it will give you the map that you need. If you want just the medallion and not the flat plane, then render them seperate and use the foeground and background settings to do your compositing... Sorry if i am wrong, maybe you might want to explain a tat more. ;)

MONFOODOO 16-01-2004 07:50 AM

say i have a image of a police badge,(badge on black background.200 by 200 pix).in modeler i apply this to a flat plane.
as it shows,theres the badge and surrounding black.can i combine a seperate image(with white replacing the badge,and inverting this so the black is white,the white is black),using the surface editor.
the result would be,a badge image on a plane with no surrounding surface.

writing this and playing with the editor i figured it out.i just loaded an image into transparency that where the badge is,is white.set blend mode to difference and transparency to 100%.
it looks transparent,but it renders only the badge.
i used this alot in bryce to over come it's limitations.


kumar 16-01-2004 09:50 AM

Hmm, guess you figured it out a way.
But now i kind of understand what you are saying.

I would like to add, try the clip map in layout, that way you can clip away parts of the plane to only get only the badge. Better than having to use the transparency thing. You have to play around with the image to get a good clip map going though, but guess you have photoshop or other image editors. The clip map is in the properties panel under the render.

MONFOODOO 16-01-2004 03:02 PM

Ok! thanks! Thats why i come here.

kumar 16-01-2004 03:07 PM

You are most welcomed :)

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