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dfp1 06-02-2004 05:24 PM

Moan and Groan
Hi Guys,

My little rant here is about when certain aspects of Lightwave are going to be covered. I also subscribe to the Simply Maya and have always been impressed with the diversity of the tutorials. I feel however, that the Simply Lightwave site, should be called Simply Model, because that's about all that's ever covered. It's like being modelled to death. The car tutorial, the strat tutorial all stopped at the end of modelling and never carried through to the texturing ... well a couple in the strat, but big deal. When are we going to get tutorials on UV mapping and texturing an object using this and other methods. A model is totally useless without texturing. Why make more modelling tutorials when the old one's are still not completed. Or, how about a couple of short one's one UV mapping? This has been covered quite a few times on the simply Maya site and I know it's been around a little longer but heck, if I see another modelling tutorial on this site before some of the other areas that were promised in other tutorials are covered, I'm gonna need a bucket for the spew.

I have talked to the people who run this site and they ARE GREAT PEOPLE, but I had to get this out because it's been pi$$ing me off greatly for the past couple of months. I was hoping when the new help arrived that texturing and mapping would get covered, but oh NO, let's model another item or ten.

Well, I guess there's no question as to how I feel on this issue. NUFF SAID, and thanks for listening.


Erwin 06-02-2004 05:48 PM

Hmmm.... I believe the Pepper and Tabasco tutorials cover basic UV mapping/texturing. You might want to try those before getting frustrated. You also have to understand that Philip is very busy and cannot finish all the tutorials right away, we just have to be patient.

Leovenous 06-02-2004 06:52 PM

There is one question I cant help but ask myself along those lines. Couldn't busy Philip finish the McLaren tute before doing the strat tute. Couldn't he finish the strat tute before starting the fishy tute? I love his tutes, but that question keep popping in my mind.

To dfp1: While it may be true that modeling tutes exceed others many times over, I will venture to say that modeling is in the most demand. If many of us pressure Kev and all them for more animation and rigging and texturing tutes, then they will probably make it a higher priority. But we have to be nice about it, so keep your shirt on.

Also, there is some texturing stuff at SPS, with probably more coming in the future.

Anyways, howdy everybody. :D

Mark 06-02-2004 06:52 PM

Yes, I have to agree with Erwin here. You have to remember that there are more people producing tutorials over at the SimplyMaya site (and SimplyPhotoshop), so consequentally there are more tutorials available.

None of the tutorial writers here on the sites are full time employees - they get paid a percentage of the proceeds from the tutorial download I believe, and when you consider how cheap the sections of tutorial are compared to other places, it doesn't take a mathematical genious to figure out that when a full, paying project comes along, then the tutorial writing tends to take a bit of a back seat.

Considering that Phil effectively does this in his spare time, and that he's been the only tutorial creator here on SLW for the last year, I don't think we've done too bad. Do you?

06-02-2004 10:56 PM


Peter is doing the organic model as it was requested, texturing tuts will be covered, I will ask phil to do a few parts on the stratt texture next - he had a bad run of luck over xmas but is getting over it now.

Peter is also going to cover textures on his model he is doing :)

I hope this answers your questions don

philip 06-02-2004 11:28 PM

ah, let me jump in there.

I can understand all your views and you all have your points.

There's no arguing that the larger, more demanding tutorials (namely the strat and the mc laren) take a lot of time to be finished. My idea was to provide quality over quantity. I personally hate tutorials where you end up with a crappy looking model or scene. So I put a lot of time into prep and research; how do we do this and that in the most effective way? How can I make this mesh cleaner? And so on.

The texturing of the strat of course *will* be continued and eventually finished. In fact, it won't be too long before a new part comes out.

We have indeed focused on modeling (apart from the ocean, the peppers, the tabasco, the normal mapping, the front projection tutorials, which all cover some kind of texturing and mapping, plus the basic character rigging), that's true. But isn't it like that in the real world? Don't you have to model something before you can texture it?

I want to provide tutorials that start from scratch and cover *all* the process. Step by step, no step skipped. So everyone with a little patience and a hand on each arm can actually follow them.

Also I figured somebody who likes to model a strat would probably pass on the head. And vice versa. I really try to have something for all of you, so you can pick what you want to learn. Maybe that is exactly my fault, but I will continue to do so.

Still, dfp1, if you have something in particular in mind, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it. It wouldn't be the first tutorial that's spawned off of a user's question or request.


thirdman 07-02-2004 10:00 AM

Hi guys,
I just wanted to assure everyone, that though I've started at the organic modelling stage with my first tutorial 'the Creature project' I'm going to go right through ALL the stages with the creature covering texturing, rigging, animation, FX, lighting and rendering with it.

It'll take a while because it's a big project, but I'll get there, and my intention is to concentrate purely on producing that until finished through all of the stages, so whilst you won't be seeing other standalone tutorials from me for a while, we will go in effect through a whole 'production'.

I would imagine that this combined with Philip's quality output and anyone else who joins here in the future, should provide a broad range of tuts.

Cheers all,

Sir_Pro_View 07-02-2004 10:28 AM

I'd really like to see a killer Mech Tutorial.. with all the trimmings.. *Shrugs* but that's just me.. Only cuzz I suck at lightwave.. LOL

As for dfp1 I feel your pain.. but at the same time.. I support the team of Simplylightwave.. These guys didn’t write the book on lightwave.. They are only giving us their experience and almighty wisdom to us.. I’m pretty sure they all started off like us.. Not knowing anything about the 3D world and how it works on the screen. All they are doing is giving us a push in the right direction . It is up to us to play around with the lightwave and to find each and everyones own way of doing things..

DigiMatt 07-02-2004 06:39 PM

Like Philip mentions, there is always the possibility to request a specific tutorial and if there seems to be interest from more people chances are pretty big that it will be made.

arma 07-02-2004 07:46 PM

All i have to say about it is..

Modeling comes first..

A nice tute on texturing would be nice though cos i suck at that

I love this site..

Every penny ive spent here is well spent..

Plus if they release to many tutes my missus will kill me..

All me wages spent..

Grr wish i had payed the 250 quid now hehehe..

Do we get a reduction if we go unlimited.. ie points spent deduced from total:)

worth a try..

When dvds gonna hit the shelfs ;:]

Live long and prosper SimplyLightwave

Mark 07-02-2004 09:23 PM

Glad you're liking the site Arma. And like Digi says, all you have to do is ask. That goes pretty much for anything. If it proves popular and is feasible, then you just might see it here on the site...

dfp1 09-02-2004 12:46 AM

...To all
Not only are the people at SimplyLightwave a great bunch, but I also appreciate the method in which feedback was provided by the members here ... you are all a class bunch. I'm still in pain, but seeing a little light ... I just think about a plumber coming to my house and putting in a new sink and then saying hey, let's put in a new toilet. I agree, but when I try the sink I find out he hasn't connected the plumbing yet. Then when he puts in the toilet he explains to me that he could do a great job on replacing the tub. Only problem is ... the toilet won't flush and I still can't get any water from the taps in the sink. :o)

Or, perhaps I'm just having a bad day.

Take Care ALL,


Sir_Pro_View 09-02-2004 02:35 AM

Damn plumbers! Never did like them much...LOL I'd have to say go old school bud, and stick with the good old outdoors...:-P Nothing says happiness like wiping your behind with a good size leaf.. God help ya if you have the runs though....THat's when you start praying for a bush. So smile! I got your back

09-02-2004 08:46 AM

Re: ...To all

Originally posted by dfp1
Not only are the people at SimplyLightwave a great bunch, but I also appreciate the method in which feedback was provided by the members here ... you are all a class bunch. I'm still in pain, but seeing a little light ... I just think about a plumber coming to my house and putting in a new sink and then saying hey, let's put in a new toilet. I agree, but when I try the sink I find out he hasn't connected the plumbing yet. Then when he puts in the toilet he explains to me that he could do a great job on replacing the tub. Only problem is ... the toilet won't flush and I still can't get any water from the taps in the sink. :o)

Or, perhaps I'm just having a bad day.

Take Care ALL,



dont worry dude, all is being taken care of dude, you will see some cool texture tuts very soon mate :)

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