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pixelone 04-09-2004 06:55 PM

Modeling objects; daily objects
When say modeling a gum rapper; is it normal to just model the outter lying shape and just add the texture from an Image map file (i.e a pic of gum wrap) or does one go the whole nine yard?

Just out of curiosity, that goes for other objects too.

hoopti 05-09-2004 12:04 AM

Re: Modeling objects; daily objects

Originally posted by pixelone
When say modeling a gum rapper; is it normal to just model the outter lying shape and just add the texture from an Image map file (i.e a pic of gum wrap) or does one go the whole nine yard?

I think it depends on how close to it you're going to get with you're camera. If you're coming right up to it, you want to make it as realistic as possible. If it's just a gum wrapper sitting on a table which will be barely seen, just ad an image map.

That's been my rule of thumb.


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