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Bobakabob 24-11-2004 12:42 AM

Character: Spacegirl
Here's a retro-futuristic spacegirl character called Charm to complement two other sci fi models, Quark and Strangeness (ahem). It's rigged for animation, though the clothing needs tweaking as it's restricting poses a little. Feedback good and bad greatly appreciated. The coat started life as a 60s maxi, though I took it in a different direction after seeing some Star Wars drawings.

bullet_evader 24-11-2004 01:47 PM

nice nice nice!!i like the clothes!
could you please tell me how you did the hair?? is it polygon hair?? or somekind of plugin???
can you show us a wire if it is polygon hair???

Johnny9ball 24-11-2004 06:25 PM

Love it :D

Zeeman 24-11-2004 08:26 PM

WOW!!! The girl looks great and the gun is also amazing!!!

Mark 25-11-2004 03:56 PM

Can't fault it at all. The retro look has been really well pulled off. Superb.

Bobakabob 27-11-2004 12:22 AM

Hi Bullet-Evader,

Thanks for the positive words. The hair was done using the same technique as Elmar's excellent tutorial... strips of polys with transparency maps applied. It's a sweet technique, though it's better to use clip maps if you want to keep rendering times down. Good luck... checked out your thread and that model is really coming on.

Mark, Zeeman and Johnny9ball,

Cheers... working on some more dynamic poses and a robot companion ;)

bullet_evader 27-11-2004 11:14 AM

thanks for the wireview!! the best way to learn ( i think ) is looking to other wireframes!!

Mark 27-11-2004 12:25 PM

The hair is incredibly good. From the first image, I'd almost got that down as Sasquatch hair...

Fallenswordsman 27-11-2004 08:25 PM

Egor-blimey that is impressive. Really well done, mate! :)

Bobakabob 02-12-2004 11:55 PM

Bullet Evader,

No problem... how are you getting on with the hair on your own character? Elmar's tut on the Newtek site is excellent. Poly hair is a pretty simple technique.


Thanks for the kind words. I used to use Shave for LW, a fab program, sadly discontinued. Haven't tried Sas yet, but poly hair seems a good substitute. It took some tweaking in lots of test renders, but the cool thing is that it's easily styled with endomorphs.

Fallen Swordsman,

Ta, Duck (as they say in Sheffield), much appreciated. Glad you like the character. Here's another render. Rigged for animation, though immersed in modelling at the moment :alien:

bullet_evader 03-12-2004 03:46 PM

making some progress with my characters hair!!! i will post some updates in a couple of days!!! thanks for the interest!!!

nice new render you've got there too!!! are you going to show us an animation?? would be really cool to see those clothes moving!!

Tsunami 04-12-2004 08:59 PM

Wow B.,

Beside the applause 4 her hair, she has got the best skintex I've seen in a very long time. Especially the close-up is superb.


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