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sake 18-02-2005 09:12 PM

bolt thingy
1 Attachment(s)
ok iv tryed to modle this bolt and i cant seem to get it to look wel like that. i was wondering if anyone coloud help?

R4s1n 19-02-2005 06:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Something like this?

sake 19-02-2005 06:57 PM

narr mate thx anyways im trying to get that same shape of the bolt on the pic ( im not used to posting pics ) a:rolleyes: iv tryed to get the shape of that but im not quite sure how i would get it.

R4s1n 19-02-2005 08:37 PM

do you think you have like a more closer pic?

Which one do you need? The bolt that is connecting the two pipes? Or the smaller two?

AverageJoe 19-02-2005 08:53 PM

Create a cylender, bevel one face in but on the same plane, then bevel it in again but hollow it out (to effectivly create a tube), now just drag some points in to create the star key. done.

sake 19-02-2005 09:27 PM

srry i didnt make my self clear(my falut) i didnt know what it was so i persumed it was a knid of bolt thingy . It the big the thingy connected the two pipes.

AverageJoe 19-02-2005 10:56 PM

Make a cylender, extrude the top, knife it a bit or weight patch it, freeze and bool the cut-outs.

jeanphi 20-02-2005 12:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
You have to get a closer view to hundrstand the details and scales of each parts.
Here is a basic shape made with boolean and bevels.

R4s1n 20-02-2005 08:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got this far on the bolt. If i had another extra half hour i would finish it but i have to go to work :(.

R4s1n 21-02-2005 08:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have finished the bolt and this is what it looks like. My next post has the attached lwo file if you want it.

R4s1n 21-02-2005 08:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)

sake 21-02-2005 05:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
hey thx man ;) i added it to the complete modle and this is how it looks ( im currently fighting with teh bipod its not friendly)

R4s1n 22-02-2005 02:53 AM

No problem.

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