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sake 22-03-2005 12:43 PM

AS50 Sniper Rifle
Ok iv done a few renders of the finshed AS50 sniper:)

morghen 22-03-2005 07:31 PM

love the renders !! great work dude.

colto 22-03-2005 09:49 PM

Great! Love the renders. Has a nice feel to it! modelling is superb. Textures prolly need a little work but it is still top notch. I was following the WIP on this one. Great Work! A+

kumar 22-03-2005 11:40 PM

looks great

bullet_evader 23-03-2005 04:38 PM

The gun model looks very nice! unfortunally i don't like the environment that much. it's to simply comparing with the gun.
anyhow..good work!!

bcrichkkv 17-04-2005 11:19 AM

that's a awesome gun man.
i was looking for some good gun tuts but now i've come to the conclusion that i will never be able to make a gun this awesome :(

Vnnrderbe 30-05-2022 09:27 AM

The Accuracy International AS50 Sniper Rifle has been specifically designed and manufactured with one goal in mind; Lethality. The Accuracy International AS50 is not simply a conversion of a .50BMG rifle but has been designed right from the ground up as a sniper system for the anti-materiel role. The AS50 is a semi-automatic sniper rifle developed in the 1990s by the UK-based Accuracy International Weapon Systems company. It employs a .50 BMG (12.7x99mm NATO) cartridge and a Mauser action. The AS50 is intended for use against military targets at ranges of up to 1,000 meters (1,100 yds), but it can also be used against other high-value targets such as aircraft, missile launchers, or vehicle commanders.

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