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Stéphane Vahlé 13-06-2005 07:08 PM

Hi everybody.
I'm trying to do a droplet of water. A basic subject, but not so easy for me... A simple lathe for the mesh and many modifications to the mesh.

bullet_evader 13-06-2005 07:14 PM

the drop itselfs looks very good, the water-wrinkles though, are looking strange. They are to high, and doesn't look very natural

Stéphane Vahlé 13-06-2005 10:53 PM

Thank's for comment. :) Ok, i have reduce the number of circle and add a displacment. I hope it's better.

hoopti 14-06-2005 08:00 AM

You may want to change the bump map to a gradient instead. The circles should "fall off" as they leave the center. Higher and narrower at the drop point, smaller and flatter at the edges.

It looks like you've simply applied the ripple procedural, it looks too CG. Let me know if this crit isn't clear.


Stéphane Vahlé 14-06-2005 10:05 PM

I have much troubles to do what i whant with displace. An update, i'v changing circles. I hop it's better ;) Hoopti my english is not well. I dont use ripple procedural shader, it's just a modelling.

Wire :

Update :

hoopti 15-06-2005 02:36 PM

Your english is fine.

Here's a link to a reference video which may help. Hope it does. Notice that the whole thing is done in less than a second.


Stéphane Vahlé 24-06-2005 12:26 PM

I have many things changing. A new approach of th e subject. I'w working on shader, lighting, an many litlle things. Thank's for the movie. My first goal is doing an interesting picture.

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