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sonofmickel 14-06-2005 08:15 PM

May/June NOOB, SeaMus
1 Attachment(s)
This is my first real go at an original-non tutorial object. I have no clue how to do eyes. ALL HELP IS APPRECIATED.

sonofmickel 14-06-2005 08:19 PM

First Render
1 Attachment(s)
What do you think?

sonofmickel 15-06-2005 05:53 PM

And a skin
1 Attachment(s)
I am having trouble seperating the moth, blow-hole, bottom for skinning purposes. My model exploded when I seperated the surfaces?!? Any help?

swankymonkey 15-06-2005 11:58 PM

The overall shape looks very good. A very cool looking creature design. What do you mean your model exploded? I hope no one was injured:p

sonofmickel 16-06-2005 04:34 AM

Look at this!
1 Attachment(s)
Exploda view! I do not know what happened to this at all.

Zeeman 16-06-2005 06:44 PM

nah your model didn't EXPLODE! looks to me like its polygons have just been flipped :alien: If that happens in the future, just press 'f' and the poly's will flip back to the way they were originally. :)

Apart from that, the design looks cool ;)

sonofmickel 17-06-2005 12:50 AM

Nope...Definately exploded.
All the normals are facing the correct way. The thing just exploded! A lot of the parts have shifted and rotated. That is why the white parts are sticking up through the mouth. They are correct just somehow tweaked. Very strange goings on- I wish I knew what happened. At any rate, I did have a backup and am just using that now. Hmmm....Curioser and curiouser.

sonofmickel 17-06-2005 07:27 AM

Latest Render
1 Attachment(s)
So much for realism! I need some texture practice.

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