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willman 20-06-2005 05:19 PM

extender in lightwave 7.5
hiya, can any one help me?

im doing the mech tut at the moment and im stuck in the very first part :angery: , lol. the problem comes when he uses the extender 'e' key to create extra polygons for the eyes. i dont seem to be able to do this. i think it is because he is using lightwave 8.0 while im using lightwave 7.5. does any one know how to get around this!?!?!

thanks in advance

nemac4 20-06-2005 10:32 PM

Extender Plus was actually part of David Ikeda's Power Tools. Newtek integrated the plugs to lw8 so now you cannot download them however there are a few other plugs that work in the same way that are still available.

Have a look on to find more options. Super Shift, Smooth Shift and bevel work in much the same way as extender plus when working with polys.

willman 21-06-2005 06:26 AM

cheers, i understand that extender plus could be downloaded before lightwave 8 came out... dont want to annoying anyone by asking but i dont spose if you have a copy of it you would concider sending it to me as it would be a huge help to me.
anyway many thanks

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