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BillyBob06 28-11-2005 08:23 PM

Evil Clown
Hey everyone. I'm working on a project at the moment, of a scary clown with a gun. So far it's just a textured head, and even thats not entirely finished. I was just wondering if anyone had any pointers for my mouth inside, because I cant seem to get the right look. Tell me what you think so far. Cheers.

voices3d 28-11-2005 08:42 PM

well.......i am sure it is verry nice, but were is it?

BillyBob06 28-11-2005 08:47 PM

Sorry about that, it's my first time here. I have fixed it now. Please feel free.

voices3d 29-11-2005 10:51 AM

The Clown looks good :D. I think some more wrinkles in the forehead would look good. Keep up the good work :D

KrisYoung1980 29-11-2005 01:36 PM


Looking pretty cool so fat, like the teeth - I believe DaveyTheGravy Did an evil clown project at some point, you may want to check out his site (cant remember the url, but if he checks this thread out im sure he'll tell you)


nemac4 29-11-2005 05:17 PM

Those teeth freak me out! Keep at it.

Fallenswordsman 29-11-2005 05:47 PM

Ah clowns - the scary part of comedy. And there has to be something scary about grown men and women wearing white face paint and red noses.

Interiors of the mouth - tricky little bugger - what sort of problems are you having with that precisely? Fashioning things like the tongue should be fairly straightforward considering how good your modelling skills are putting together the head. Maybe more prominant bottom teeth to match the top set?

Maybe you can get some ideas here?

btw Dave the Gravy's thread was here:

BillyBob06 30-11-2005 12:50 AM

Cheers everyone, I'll do a little more work on the bump map too I think, not much too it is there. I'll post the results as soon as it's done. Keep the comments flowing :)

BillyBob06 30-11-2005 12:54 AM

Btw the mouth thing, I was worried it didn't look slimey enough, but dont worry I think I've sorted that now.

BillyBob06 30-11-2005 07:05 PM

OK Update!

I worked on the texture a little more, and modified the teeth adding some slimey stuff to them.

What do ya think, let me know what you think needs changing.

Fallenswordsman 01-12-2005 08:19 AM

I would perhaps raise the cheekbones up a bit to make the smile look even wider - he looks like he's just opening his mouth rather than having an evil grin on his face, so maybe some work on the expression is needed...a furrowed brow perhaps?

BillyBob06 02-12-2005 12:58 PM

Ok i've made a few changes, but I cant seem to get the spittle right. I think the modelling is fine, but the texturing is difficult, It just dosn't look right. Does anyone know of any tutorials, or have any tips for me, any info would be greatly appreciated.

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