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OBjuan 10-01-2006 09:22 PM

Denver / Boulder Users Group - NEXT WEEK
Rally the troops and come to a Lightwave / video editing / computer graphics Users Group in Downtown Denver.

Wensday the 18th, starting around 6:30-7.

The location is 34th and Blake, 14 blocks North of Coors Field.
3377 Blake St #102, entrance is on the street not in complex
720 810-3837 Ocean Byrne

A computer with Lightwave, a projector, and DVD/VCR, along with snacks & beverages will be provided.

Please feel free to bring any media you would like to share/tutorialize, and or munchies/chuggies, like beer. Or just bring your empty hands, an interest, and friends who share it (even those smelly 3DSmax users).

Lets all see what is stewing in colorado CG, and maybe throw in a few spices!

Tuesday or thrusday could work too, a final time will be set at the end of this week, but plan on the 18th, unless the peoples push a preference.

OBjuan 14-01-2006 08:19 PM

Seeing as how there has been such a huge response here, I'd best let you know that:

Its official!

Thursday 19th, 6:30-7, 3377 Blake St #102

to get here:
from I-25
exit 20th and head toward downtown,
go 1 block past Coors Feild and
turn Left on Market. Market will turn into Walnut, but take it straight till you
turn Left on 34th.
Go 1 block,
turn Left on Blake and park.

3377 is the big metal building on your right, and the entrance for #102 is the 2nd to last door on the left if you are facing the building. You don't have to go through the security gate at the right corner.

Look forward to meeting you all, and hopefully seeing some of your works. Feel free to give me a call at 720-810-3837 if you have questions.

Ocean Byrne

R4s1n 15-01-2006 07:13 AM

Seems interesting but unfortunately you guys live a bit off from Pennsylvania...

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