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rwhunt99 25-03-2006 05:36 PM

Mclaren tute reference image
1 Attachment(s)
I'm doing the Mclaren tutorial and I'm now on video 43 and I'm looking for the reference image used to model the F1 logo. I can't seem to find it on my DVD's, is there a place where I can get it?

Johnny9ball 25-03-2006 06:44 PM

I couldn't find it either. You don't really need one. I just zoomed in on the back end and just modeled it by eye where it was supposed to be between those two fins. Actually made it easy cause then I didn't have to resize and move it.

rwhunt99 25-03-2006 07:34 PM

I'm not sure what you mean, did you zoom in and take a screen shot of the video as a backdrop? or did you pause video and then tried to draw it in lightwave?

Johnny9ball 26-03-2006 04:50 AM

I put the rear end in the back drop. Then just watching the video I built the logo in a new layer in the back view in lightwave. I just eyed the porportions.

Here is a good back view with the logo you can just cut it up in Photoshop it should work good.

rwhunt99 26-03-2006 10:28 PM

Thanks for the pic, I'll do just that! :p

Johnny9ball 27-03-2006 01:32 AM

No problem I am on the tires gonna get this beast of a tutorial finished.

odeone 29-03-2006 12:28 PM

I did the same as Johnny9ball said. Came out fine....

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