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Libraryguy 10-04-2006 05:41 PM

alpha channel
Hi all,

I saved my lw render as a .TGA with an alpha channel. When I import it into photoshop I want to take the image and overlay it over the background. The problem is I'm having trouble getting the black background to become transparent. At the moment I have been using select/color range to get rid of the background but that leaves a lot to be desired. Does anyone know what method I can use to use the alpha channel to cause that background to dissapear so it doesn't mask the background objects?


Libraryguy 10-04-2006 06:08 PM

Nevermind I stumbled onto it.

:attn: :beer:

pixelinfected 13-04-2006 08:30 PM

some suggest :
when you render image use a color background near to your final background. be cause alpha channel cannot do transparent all pixel correctly. in post pro software you have interpreter to analize pixel edge to compose correctly, when you compose with photoshop you risk to have some defect on edge.

1) render out an image with alpha.
2) load in photoshop, go on alpha, load alpha, and select from requester alpha channel did from lightwave
3) add a bit of smooth to alpha with feather tool of alpha.
4) copy render selected and paste on your background.

remember that if you forget to save alpha you can do another render with quickshade, it render alpha and is fast, very fast, then you can add alpha from an image to another in photoshop.

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