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leroy3rd 17-09-2006 01:34 AM

Lightwave 9 Manual
I JUST upgraded to Lightwave 9 (can't WAIT for it to arrive), and noticed that the PDF manual is in color... Does anyone know if the printed manual is also in color? I'm thinking of getting this for study when away from my computer, but at $100 it's difficult to justify (though it would look GREAT on my Lightwave shelf...). A manual in full color WOULD make the price tag a little easier to swallow (and help justify the expense to the wife). Has anyone seen the manual?


Fallenswordsman 17-09-2006 01:49 PM

Hmm - not sure its worth 100 dollars/quid/whatever currency. I've been reading the PDF version of the modeller manual over the last couple of days and I'm already about quarter of the way through. It really doesn't take too long to get through the manuals because they do tend to be quite image intensive.

Isn't LW9 a downloadable? I hope you're not waiting for something physical to drop through your door unless you specifically asked for it. Try checking out the Newtek page to see if you can download already....

leroy3rd 17-09-2006 09:37 PM

Thanks for the reply (the many replies!! :) ). Yeah, I already downloaded the manuals from Newtek, I just stilll like studying from hardcopy (I know, I;m living in the dark ages). I noticed that Newtek will send you a hardcopy of the manual from thier site for $100, I was just curious if the hardcopy was in full color like the PDF is.



promethius 30-09-2006 02:19 PM

Color or in Black and White. It's still the same material in the .pdf format. Having the box on the self is more a novelty thing.

I really see no reason for the books. I would rather spend the extra $100 on Dan Ablans books.

Warlock 279 04-10-2006 06:55 AM

I can't weigh in on the whether or not the v[9] manual is in color or not [be cool if it were], but wanted to comment on hardcopy vs PDF.

I have to say I'd much rather have a hard copy than a PDF. I find the PDF a pain to deal with, and find things in, and alsot that a PDF as large as the one for the manual runs ungodly slow on my PC [not that my PC is exactly powerful tho]. I also think its a lot easier to be able to have the manual sitting on the desk rather than jumping back and forth on a single monitor between a PDF and Modeler/Layout or whatever.

Leroy you could always tell the wife that it'd be cheaper and more efficient to buy the manual from Newtek then print it out, since it'd take a reem of paper or better and I wouldn't even want to think about how much ink it'd take with as many images as are in it.

leroy3rd 05-10-2006 02:51 AM

Thanks for the reply, that's EXACTLY how I feel!!! Things are a tad tight right now, so I'm just gonna bide my time... but that printed manual is definately on my "to get" list (with inside lightwave 9, and lightwave 3d 9 modeling...).


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