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mtmckinley 11-06-2007 09:10 PM

Summer Challenge!
Pirates vs Ninjas!

Yeah it's summer time and it's time to do something fun! And what's more fun than pirates fighting ninjas? The goal of this challenge is to design and create a pirate and/or a ninja! Get creative! Maybe your pirate is inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean movies or maybe you'll design a ninja that would fit in the PotC fantasy world? Or forget the movies and do something original!

The guidelines:

1) This is a modeling challenge, but presentation is important. If you can texture and pose your character for the final presentation, you'll definitely have a much more appealing final entry!

2) The deadline is September 1st!

3) All work must be done by the artist submitting. You may submit one entry. If you want to make a pirate fighting a ninja though, that can be your entry. But that's the only exception to the multiple entry rule.

4) There's no limit as to what software you can use to create your models and textures.

5) A finals thread will be created toward the end of the challenge. Finals should be posted there, with screens/renders of the final result.

If you have any questions, ask them here. Keep a look out for any addendums or additions to the guidelines as issues are brought up and answered.

For now, signed copies of my books are what I've got for prizes, but if I can think of something cool, I'll definitely offer it up before the end!

thecoshman 20-06-2007 02:26 PM

Dose any concept art have to be of our own work? Im not that good at the drawing of sutf, so i owuld want to get a freind to do that for me.

mtmckinley 20-06-2007 02:53 PM

sure that's fine. I just prefer it be original, drawn for the challenge, as opposed to finding something from another source. Unless you can take something from another source and modify it for your own design.

mtmckinley 04-07-2007 08:11 AM

Hey, guys, sorry I've not been around much. I recently moved and am in the process of buying a house, which is keeping me quite busy. I start my new job Monday though, so hopefully I'll be able to check in more from there until I get settled.

Thanks for understanding!

s2-speedy 05-07-2007 06:38 AM

no worries mike :) good luck with the job.

mtmckinley 27-07-2007 05:05 AM

Hey, guys, this challenge will have to be pushed a little long. I'm still living out of a suitcase as I'm trying to buy a house and all my stuff is in storage (including the prize books)! I hope to be moved in by the end of August.

Which would you guys prefer:

End this challenge on the normal deadline, start a new one, and just mail the prizes out when I can.

Push this challenge's deadline to the end of the month.

mtmckinley 28-07-2007 02:23 AM

OK, current deadline is now Sept. 1st. :) Hopefully I'll be in the new house by then and prepared to be more active again.

s2-speedy 31-07-2007 05:48 AM

oh good job i checked this thread :) i was kinda planing on finishing up this pirate by this week so it could b ready 4 the deadline - but now we got more time ill take it easy :D

mtmckinley 30-08-2007 07:45 AM

Let's get those entries in! I don't yet have internet at my new place, so I may have to wait until Tuesday to post the next challenge and do the judging, just so y'all know.

mtmckinley 09-09-2007 05:25 PM

Winners announced!

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