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ellis 07-01-2010 11:42 AM

January Sale
Hi everyone,

We're doing a January sale until the 11th where you can purchase points for 50% of the normal price. Any comments or questions, please post them here!

CraigS 07-01-2010 01:50 PM

Great idea, I'm downloading the Toy Car now to add to the Interior Scene and the Essential Lighting eBook. Hopefully I'll get to grab the Tank too.

Keep up the good work and thanks again to yourself and the guys who take the time to create the tutorials.


ShadowMap 08-01-2010 03:57 PM

Toy Car Bundle
Hey, guys ;-)

I was wondering where I would find the Toy Car Bundle.
Was searching all over, even did a "search" but nothing
shows up anywhere.

Can someone provide me with a link, I would like to
purchase that Tutorial ;-)

Thanks a lot and have a nice day


Steven R.

ShadowMap 08-01-2010 04:16 PM

Found it ;-)))
Hi there again ;-)

Sorry guys, I just found it by coincidence....GREAT....will start
sucking it down....!!!

Looks really TERRIFIC!!!!

Your tutorials are AWESOME, THANKS A LOT!!!!

Have a great day.


Steven R.

CraigS 08-01-2010 10:53 PM

I agree, the tutorials are really good, i ended up downloading the toy car and the Mclaren yesterday and today. Should keep me busy for a while.

ShadowMap 08-01-2010 11:26 PM

Toy Car Bundle
Hi there ;-)

When I unzipped the 1st Part and wanted to unzip
the I get an error message.

The rest works's juts that I now can't my hands
on the reference stuff...

...can anyone please help me out? Would be great!



Steven R

ellis 09-01-2010 01:28 PM

Hi guys,

Thanks for the nice comments.
Steven, to unpack the reference images for the toy car you need the latest version of winzip. Alternative versions can be found in the link at the bottom of the tutorial page here

ShadowMap 09-01-2010 08:44 PM

Thanks for alternative Reference Files
Hey, Ellis, thanks a lot for the link, was very helpful.

Since I'm a MAC-user (sorry, forgot to mention it above...) I can't use
WinZip. But the other reference-file worked well. Was just a PSD-File.

Now I can get goin' with the tut ;-)))

Thanks for the big help and have a superb weekend!


Steven R

CraigS 11-01-2010 06:56 AM

Hi Ellis,

Thank you from me too, I was struggling with the same zip file (another mac user) and the other link works just fine.

Cheers :-)


naldopr 04-06-2010 03:04 PM

any specials this month?

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