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pixelpedro 24-09-2011 10:23 AM

Animating some tentacles
Hey Guys, I'm sorta new to these forums and to LW, so please if this is an incredibly idiotic question forgive me in advance.

A client provided me with a model of an Ecoli virus that a previous artist had done an animated in Max, for who know what reason, he's not working with this guy any longer, and needed me to animated, I though since rigged it'd be simple, but I guess coming from max everything gets lost, no a biggie, a recreated the tentacles/bones with it, but I've tried several things, but I though I could just make a curvy spline, and have the bones deform to it, so that when the object moves past the camera, the tentacles (the rear ones) move in a wavy fashion.

It is definitely my inexperience (so please forgive me for this) but can someone guide me in the right direction of either a tutorial on how to achieve this, or share the best way of doing this.

I'm on a Mac using LW 9.6 (and yes is a legit ver. I have my USB dongle, lol)

Thanks in advance.

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TowerFan 27-09-2011 09:21 PM

There's a couple ways. You could use a wavy texture and pass it through the polys to deform the geometry. Or, create a bone chain, set up IK, create two or three goals for the bone chain IK, then animate manually.

Search the web for tutes for either of these techniques, should be some out there. At work now so can't provide links to tutes but I hope this helps.

haree 24-11-2011 06:08 PM

very nice sharing dude this is the way to expose to your ideas. my pleasure to have this.

pixelpedro 25-11-2011 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by haree (Post 44977)
very nice sharing dude this is the way to expose to your ideas. my pleasure to have this.

Yup, there's always a bottom feeder void of creativity

bullet1968 25-11-2011 01:44 PM

bottom feeder! c'mon mate....we are ALL artistes baby LOL

pixelpedro 25-11-2011 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by bullet1968 (Post 44983)
bottom feeder! c'mon mate....we are ALL artistes baby LOL

Dude... did you understand the context of his post? ... sad there are people like that.

leroy3rd 25-11-2011 07:56 PM

I'm on your side, haree has been seriously bothering me with his/her "posts". I expect a flood of advertising from them shortly.


bullet1968 25-11-2011 09:21 PM

no I didnt mate...well I must have read it wrong and it was after a 15 hour day...apologies. I take it from leroys answer this dude is a bit shonky?

cheers bullet

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