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rwhunt99 12-02-2014 06:04 PM

Locomotive Results
2 Attachment(s)
Here's what I've done with German's locomotive tutorial. I haven't modeled in a while so I thought I would give it a go. German did a good job with it and it was easy to follow. One thing though, I did have a struggle with the plugin he used with the making of the tubes and pipes. I am using LW v11.6.1 and that plugin didn't seem to work, so I did it the old fashioned way. I will be texturing and rigging it up and probably adding some smoke and steam. :nerd:

arma 14-02-2014 06:46 PM

Nice work there buddy..

Will be trying myself when my new version of lightwave arrives not update for a while :happy:

rwhunt99 17-02-2014 05:17 PM

That is great, one of the things I noticed is German didn't use the new heat shrink tool, he should have had it in his version (11.5) when he is trying to form his boiler stack and smoke stacks around the cylindrical boiler, that tool is exactly what you need to get good quick results, he did it manually which is OK, but it would have saved him several minutes because it is a simple click and drag operation.
So, the newer version do have some great new tools to use to get that model looking good, good luck and have some fun! :happy:

jsboudreau 17-02-2014 10:06 PM

Nice job on the model!! I noticed the same thing plus German didn`t really take advantage of all the new modelling tools in modeler 11.5 like the align tools, transform etc. Also every time he went to rotate an object 90 degrees he kept going back and forth trying to dial it down to 90 degrees. He would of saved a lot of time if he just would of held down the ctrl key while rotating the object this allows you to rotate an object 15 degrees at a time allowing you to get your object at 90 degrees very quickly.


rwhunt99 18-02-2014 03:04 PM

That's true, but he did demonstrate that if you hit the r key you can rotate it 90 degrees in the axis of the view port. The fact that he used edges a lot led me to believe that he uses Modo to model with, but he did know LW well enough. You can't teach everything in one tutorial and he did explain a lot especially when something goes wrong, how to trouble shoot problems. Thanks for the nice comments too!

rwhunt99 01-03-2014 01:11 AM

More Progress:
3 Attachment(s)
I've been working on my train and while I haven't been able to get good reference to make the coal tender, I created out of a mish mash of photos something that looks like one. Still need to do more work, I keep seeing things I either forgot, left out or screwed up.

rwhunt99 01-03-2014 01:16 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's one of my texturing work

Abe 03-03-2014 04:34 PM

This looks great work,do yo think you would animate it.Began my attempt,and enjoying the video,he is easy to follow.This is the second major thing I've tried to have a go at.Will post if all goes ok.thanks for showing ,you have inspired me to take the bull by the horns so to speak.

ellis 03-03-2014 05:18 PM

Looks really nice, I love these old locomotives they're seriously intimidating up close. Must have been scary back in the day when the railway came steaming along.

Would be fun to see it rigged and animated as well, that's a lot of work already so keep at it!


rwhunt99 03-03-2014 06:51 PM

Thanks for the comments! Yeah, Abe, I am planning on it, I'm still fussing with the texturing and I've tweaked the model itself a bit - I felt the coal tender looked too big so I shortened and lowered the top a bit. I was visualizing the animation and I think I might have to seriously tweak the linkage to get it to work in a way that looks good, so this might take a while, but I am having fun doing it. Thanks Ellis, I do like trains although I don't know much about them, I'm not sure what kind of loco this is but I'm learning as I go. I remember when I was stationed in Germany, I was a tank commander and we'd load up our tanks on flat cars to go to distant training areas and I noticed ours was an old steam locomotive that still had bullet patches over the boilers, so this brought a few memories back.

bullet1968 04-03-2014 05:49 PM

Wow mate that is coming along really nicely!!!!! well done!

cheers bullet

rwhunt99 06-03-2014 03:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thanks Bullet! Well. I've got it partially rigged and working, but I have to figure out how to create a realistic aux linkage at the piston block, so it looks like it will do something. I think I will rework it and add a support similar to what I've seen in other reference images. Once I do that, then I'll do the steam and I also forgot to set up the lights too. :nerd:

Abe 06-03-2014 08:05 PM

Looking forward to seeing the whole thing completed.Could I please ask do you do this sort of work for a living.You seem to really know what it's all about.Im upto the bell at the moment,but can see a couple of clangers Ive made,so am going back to correct them.

rwhunt99 06-03-2014 10:07 PM

Well, Abe; actually I am a retired factory worker, I used to build military Humvees, and now that I'm retired, I now have time to play with Lightwave. If you have any questions or problems, don't be afraid to ask!

rwhunt99 07-03-2014 01:06 AM

Oops, double post.

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