If I may try to translate for both of you. Hitting Tab puts you in subpatch mode. Subpatches are to Lightwave as NURBs (Non-Uniform Bezer Points) are to Maya. I hear there are some differences, but they are basically the same. It took me a long time to get a workable concept of subpatches because all your poly's pretty much have to have 4 points... no more, no less. But with time one gets it. I found head tuts the handiest for learning subpatches. Check out the stuff here in SLW or NewTek.
Nice little ball, Voices, and thanks for uploading it. Never know when it may come in handy. I assume you used a couple bump layers for the ball surface and a texture for your name?
Hope that helps you Unreal. And seriously, drop all your questions like this in Lightwave basics... there is help to be had.