Hmm, first of all you need reference pictures. One side view and one front. You can either put them into your backdrop and start modelling away or keep looking at them when you need it. Different methods of modelling will need you to refer to the images differently. The box modelling method, you dont need to really put a backdrop image but need to refer to the overall shape of it. And once you have it then go into the details. But the detail out method will need the backdrop and starting at one of the details, work your way out. Look at the head modelling tutorial or Mc Laren tutorial for the further explanation of modelling techniques and see the Modeller UI or some other tutorials to get you up to speed.
As for weather you should scan it or not... Of course yes, the more reference you have the more accurate your model will be. Your modelling will also be smooth. Wont get into jams and so forth. As for tracing... dont really need to do that, try some freehand concepts if you really want to change some of the look and so forth.
I would recommend either use splines or the box modelling method to start on the base of the boat. Splines are difficult at first but really useful in some cases. Box modelling is like clay, you keep adjusting and detailing as you go, so a good understanding of your model is required.
Hope any of this helps you,
Good Luck
Download some videos off this site and try something easy first before attempting something larger.