ah, let me jump in there.
I can understand all your views and you all have your points.
There's no arguing that the larger, more demanding tutorials (namely the strat and the mc laren) take a lot of time to be finished. My idea was to provide quality over quantity. I personally hate tutorials where you end up with a crappy looking model or scene. So I put a lot of time into prep and research; how do we do this and that in the most effective way? How can I make this mesh cleaner? And so on.
The texturing of the strat of course *will* be continued and eventually finished. In fact, it won't be too long before a new part comes out.
We have indeed focused on modeling (apart from the ocean, the peppers, the tabasco, the normal mapping, the front projection tutorials, which all cover some kind of texturing and mapping, plus the basic character rigging), that's true. But isn't it like that in the real world? Don't you have to model something before you can texture it?
I want to provide tutorials that start from scratch and cover *all* the process. Step by step, no step skipped. So everyone with a little patience and a hand on each arm can actually follow them.
Also I figured somebody who likes to model a strat would probably pass on the head. And vice versa. I really try to have something for all of you, so you can pick what you want to learn. Maybe that is exactly my fault, but I will continue to do so.
Still, dfp1, if you have something in particular in mind, let me know and I'll see what I can do about it. It wouldn't be the first tutorial that's spawned off of a user's question or request.
Don't ever argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.