Hey (soz for the delayed, email account screwed up and i completly forgot about a few important thing's

Anyways, thanks alot guy's! these are really great tip's for me. Even tho i can find stuff on the net, it's harder when i dont know what im looking for if ya get me

but now i do! Iv already started downloading pretty much most of the free tutorials here, they are great! As soon as i get paid, you can bet im gunna come back and get some point's to get a few cool tutorials

. Iv gotta say, phillip and peter have done a great job!
Well, iv looked at the price of sasquatch, and from the looks of that, i'll be saving for a bit

but im sure it'll be worth it, same with FPrime.
Anyways, Thanks alot guy's. Keep the tip's (and links?) comming if any other's have them
Cheers, Adi