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Old 17-05-2004, 12:56 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 22
Default curves on surfaces and such

I'm trying to model the spaceship from the animated tv-series Futurama (just for fun), and I've come across a problem.
The hull itself isn't hard to model, but on it (I've attached a picture) there's a bumper sort of thing that runs around the hull. I've tried modeling this bumper as a part of the hull, but when I subpatch, it smooths out too much, and loses its definition.
I've tried weighting and moving the points where the bumper and rest of the hull meet, but then I of course lose the smooth goodness of subpatching or there's still a lack of definition.

So instead I tought I'd try to make the bumper on a different layer as a torus-like shape, but I don't know how to make it follow the curves of the subpatched hull.
Any ideas?
I also have to figure out how to make the windows and other stuff curve like the hull, but I guess whatever works for the bumper would work there as well.

Whatever help you can offer would be much appreciated

using LW7.5 by the way
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