Im a bit late but im in! ... Ive changed my mind due to a certain friend... Ill explain: we were talking about the Roman Empire and more closely on Julius Ceaser ( One of Romes Greatest Generals and Emperors for those of you who didn't know :he also was assassinated =:..) We were talking about one his fears (what he would be scared of) and we both came up with similar Ideas somwhat, My friends Idea, losing power/being exiled from Rome, Mine: Losing his Men/Army and watching Rome burn.
So this is were my idea of scary comes from.
My Scene will be legions and legions of graves, all fallen soldiers with there gladiuses in the ground and the shields on the mound, and further back in the distance Ghosts of the legions of Ceasar.
All standing still ready for his command. and im also thinking about putting the brand of failure (Was a brand that was put on Generals that failed Rome) on the Moon.
To me ( As I am a history Buff) this would be somthing I would fear and would be scary to me. Don't know if my Idea counts if it doesn't then ill retract it. Tell me what you guys think?