Thread: Character:
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Old 02-12-2004, 11:55 PM   #10
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Bullet Evader,

No problem... how are you getting on with the hair on your own character? Elmar's tut on the Newtek site is excellent. Poly hair is a pretty simple technique.


Thanks for the kind words. I used to use Shave for LW, a fab program, sadly discontinued. Haven't tried Sas yet, but poly hair seems a good substitute. It took some tweaking in lots of test renders, but the cool thing is that it's easily styled with endomorphs.

Fallen Swordsman,

Ta, Duck (as they say in Sheffield), much appreciated. Glad you like the character. Here's another render. Rigged for animation, though immersed in modelling at the moment

Bob Szczerba
"Gravity always lets you down"
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