Alright, here's how it has progressed at the end of the day.
I've done most of the modelling, just a few more bits and bobs to be done, a few toys on the drawers, the curtains, a light on the ceiling, then I think it's on to textures. Shouldn't take too long to texture because of the style, probably take a while to get the books looking right though. I won't bother posting that sketch of the room as it is nearly done, but I'll probably post up sketches of the next lot of models before I start them.
I like that I have the whole year for the project, but then we have lots of other projects on the go during that time as well, and we're already nearly half way through that time already, so it soon flys in.
Last edited by JohnD5000; 26-11-2005 at 12:55 AM.