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Old 10-05-2006, 07:34 PM   #8
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Thanks, priimate!

Well, I try my best to bring him to life. Hopefully I won't have to resort to a giant lightning rod and an Igor-ish assistant to scream "It's alive!".
There's nothing wrong with the huge lightning rod, it's just I'd rather use it on something else.

I don't want anyone to think I'm just sitting on my chair doing nothing to win this challenge .
The truth is my PC has been rendering for two days straight and still has a long way to go finishing some animations for a school projects that's begging to be finished before the deadline.
That and the fact that it's a rather old boy makes working on something else a bit M:I-4.
But I promiss I'll have something new by the end of the week, or my name is... what was it again?

Till then, Work, work :zzz:

" ...'till the world burned!"
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