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Old 20-05-2006, 06:25 PM   #16
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Thanks, guys :blush:
I'll look into the walk anim... now that I look at it for more than two cycles I must agree... the head is walkabout... I'll fix it before the next update.

Two more animations done. Sorry for the poor quality but I've been testing out several GIF animators and most of them... well, expired :p so...

anyway, here they are....

............... A level flight animation ............................................. and a Point hover animation

There are quite a few thing happening in the animations: the mouth slightly opens just before the upstroke so he could inhale more air, all the "muscles" flex and all the parts crunch as a result of the effort needed to power the downstroke, the wing fingers bend to simulate wind resistance, the tail remains behind the movement of the body then catches up (level flight) or balances the body (hover), the neck stabilisez the head so it doesn't move so much to confuse the dragon and spoil it's aim :p... like I said, lots of things... you just don't see many of them in the GIF's :headbang:
" ...'till the world burned!"
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