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Old 13-06-2006, 08:46 PM   #21
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Deffinetly more curves... everybody loves curves :attn:
I'll look into that tomorrow, it might just give it that extra something, thanks.

Well, I did a bit of both, or maybe all three... I had some reference vids of hawks flying, but they were more along the lines of take-off and gliding. The big break-through came when I saw a hummingbird clip on tv one evening in slow motion and I saw how the wings went back and forth and were rotation to an almost vertical position.... well, the rest was filled in by me and there you have it...

I don't want anybody to think I'm just sitting here doing nothing... because I am... doing something , unfortunetly not along the lines of lw and animations... but I'll post some more as they come.
Had some troubles with the IK nulls jumping all over the screen... sorted that one out by placing some more keyframes...

anyway, wish me luck on my exams :headbang: ... and many happy updates.

" ...'till the world burned!"
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