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Old 01-10-2006, 07:58 AM   #4
A lemon tart
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 46

150 errors only happened to a very few users on all Simply sites, normally those who try to use a download accelerator (with multi threads running) or those downloading one thing after another in quick succession. The database can't update so it locks the user out. It does not effect everyone.

Sadly this means the database has to be rebuilt, which normal only takes 20 mins or so, slows the site right down to crawl.

But to do this I have use the management console, which lives on the mail server and as the mail server died I had no access to the console, hence the problems caused.

The points are issued from a different server so they would not have been effected, you may have not gotten a Simply site confirmation email regarding your points purchase, but you would have gotten your points added and confirmation via Paypal. Sometimes points are not added automatically, this is normally down to Paypal not sending confirmation to us which would complete the process. In which case you would just email us and we would manually add your points to your account.

Hope this clears up some issues
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