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Old 22-11-2008, 07:16 PM   #1
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Default Tutorials For my School

I have a question for the Employees of My school needs lightwave tutorials. Unfortunatley, the way the points system works here at Simply Lightwave, my school doesn't want to go along with it. Right now, I'm taking an Independent Study in Lightwave, and the only way we can learn is through online tutorials. So my question is, Is it possible to sustain a Lifetime membership for my school and that way we can have access to all the tutorials, and all the new tutorials? I know it is a lot to ask for the people who actually profit from the site, but it is much needed and would be much appreciated. Right now the only really good tutorials my teach was able to get was Dan Ablans Signature Courseware v9 (which was excellent btw!). But now, were required to free style and go off skimpy, online text tutorials. I wan't to be very good at lightwave since I plan on it being a career. Thanks!

Edit : Not very many students take this class (right now theres 3 in the class with a school of 1500), but these tutorials would be so helpful for us students, and we just don't have the money to purchase them
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