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Old 24-06-2011, 12:21 AM   #60
Warlock 279
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Lets see, to kick it up a notch, I'd say you're lighting is a bit flat.

As far as lighting go, I'd aim for something like you have in the 3rd image of the photoset, lit with a desk lamp type look. Given the small size of the object relative to the light source, I'd use an area light for that. Put your key light, the area light off to the side, and kinda to back similar to that photo, then set up a less poweful light coming from where the camera is to act as a fill.

As far as materials go, I think your windshield could use a little more green in it, seems a bit too blue relative to the reference images. As far as the rest goes, I think the materials look alright, they just need some lighting to make them pop. Maybe a little bump where the paint is chipped away?

Model wise, it looks good.
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