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Old 14-03-2014, 01:56 AM   #21
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Posts: 243

Yeah, I've gotten it all buggered up now, I wanted the lower aux linkage to be attached and follow the piston block and that would cause the rest of the linkage to follow and pivot and force the upper linkage to move back and forth to allow the valve (internal) to work the piston back and forth, if you see it you will understand. I disconnected the lower linkage, because the movement was to long and it pulled away from the block. I think I made a mistake by putting the pivot point at the upper end which I attached to the Loco with a stand off brkt, I thought it might work but not so much now. I raised the main linkage to shorten the piston travel but it wasn't enough, so I might just add a short section from piston block to the lower aux linkage to allow it to be able to adjust the length, I had deleted a longer one at the beginning
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