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Old 01-10-2014, 09:40 PM   #9
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Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA
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I understand your position, and, sure, lots of things would be easier if I bought a new piece of software every time you came out with a new tutorial... However, I'm betting that the majority of this site is made up of hobbyists (like me) who can't afford to plunk down hundreds of dollars every time you release a new tutorial. I understand that uv'ing in Lightwave is HORRIBLE. Trust me, I just finished pulling my hair out on a small project.

I'd like nothing more than to buy z-brush, Headus UV, or Realflow. The reality is, as a hobbyist I just don't have the funds. Maybe take a poll, I could be hugely out of line here, maybe every registered user but me is a professional working at a studio or a student. If that's the case, I'm clearly the minority, and I'll keep my suggestions to myself, however, I highly suspect that most subscribers are in the same boat I am.

(Just convincing my wife and bank account to part with the money for the "lifetime membership" was an ordeal! And the drama every time a Lightwave uupgrade comes out? The stuff of horror movies, and I've still got "Lightwave CORE" upgrade pricing... I shudder to think what will happen when my "CORE" pricing ends at LW 15. Although, at the pace they're updating the software, we're likely to be in 2025 before that happens, LOL.)

Last edited by leroy3rd; 01-10-2014 at 09:51 PM.
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