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ellis 18-09-2014 10:42 AM

New tutorial: Headus UVLayout
In this tutorial where we cover Headus UVLayout, we UV four different objects and take a look at the different techniques of UV mapping. The main aim of this tutorial is to speed up your UV workflow and to get you creating flat accurate maps quickly...more info

New LightWave content will follow shortly!

scarabrae 20-09-2014 07:30 AM

I thought the assets would come with this tutorial series?

ellis 20-09-2014 12:47 PM

They should indeed, we forgot to pack them with the download sorry about that. I'll add them to part 1, and also I've just e-mailed you the files separately.

Thanks for pointing that out.

spellis32 20-09-2014 07:48 PM

Hi Ellis,

There are still no assets in the Part1 zip file. Are the assets still available?


leroy3rd 20-09-2014 10:22 PM

There's also a missing file in the bullet dynamics tutorial. I posted about it months ago and never heard back...

life3d 30-09-2014 02:00 PM

The intro video of this tutorial is on SimplyMaya and for Autodesk Maya.

I want o buy, but please can you confirm Headus UVLayout is for Lightwave learning.

Thanks in advance.


leroy3rd 30-09-2014 07:47 PM

It's not for Maya or Lightwave, it's using a $300 program called Headus UV. I too was excited about a UV tutorial until I downloaded it and discovered it was ANOTHER video series that required a third party program. -sigh- I appreciate them giving us diversity, but, seriously, about every other video series requires an expensive program. I can't speak for everyone, but I come here for LIGHTWAVE tutorials...

David 01-10-2014 03:51 PM

Sorry the assets have been added, we had them available for subscribers but missed the downloaders. DO'h which is where the confusion came from on our end.

You can pick headus up here for $100 bux if you're a student the days of using one program to do everything are long gone. I can do in headus in 10 minutes what it would take me hours to do in Lightwave or Maya. It's also used at Disney, ILM and just about every other large studio so if you're looking for work it's a handy thing to throw on the CV.

We have commissioned more lightwave content, Jos who is doing it just moved countries so it's a bit hectic with him at the moment but it is on the way.

All the best

leroy3rd 01-10-2014 09:40 PM

I understand your position, and, sure, lots of things would be easier if I bought a new piece of software every time you came out with a new tutorial... However, I'm betting that the majority of this site is made up of hobbyists (like me) who can't afford to plunk down hundreds of dollars every time you release a new tutorial. I understand that uv'ing in Lightwave is HORRIBLE. Trust me, I just finished pulling my hair out on a small project.

I'd like nothing more than to buy z-brush, Headus UV, or Realflow. The reality is, as a hobbyist I just don't have the funds. Maybe take a poll, I could be hugely out of line here, maybe every registered user but me is a professional working at a studio or a student. If that's the case, I'm clearly the minority, and I'll keep my suggestions to myself, however, I highly suspect that most subscribers are in the same boat I am.

(Just convincing my wife and bank account to part with the money for the "lifetime membership" was an ordeal! And the drama every time a Lightwave uupgrade comes out? The stuff of horror movies, and I've still got "Lightwave CORE" upgrade pricing... I shudder to think what will happen when my "CORE" pricing ends at LW 15. Although, at the pace they're updating the software, we're likely to be in 2025 before that happens, LOL.)

lifo 20-10-2014 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by David (Post 46239)

We have commissioned more lightwave content, Jos who is doing it just moved countries so it's a bit hectic with him at the moment but it is on the way.

All the best

Is Jos the only one teaching now? It's been awhile since we've heard anything from the other new guys you hired.

David 27-10-2014 04:23 PM

No, he shouldn't be. Looking into getting some other content made by them as well at the moment.


lifo 07-01-2015 10:02 PM

any update?

ellis 21-01-2015 05:43 PM

No update, but we're working on it. We're trying to come up with something for next month. Apologies for the late reply.

leroy3rd 06-04-2015 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by ellis (Post 46253)
No update, but we're working on it. We're trying to come up with something for next month. Apologies for the late reply.

You posted this in January, the "next month" referred to would have been February. It's now April. Any update?

tony92376 05-08-2015 02:14 AM

I am so glad that I saw this first before plunking down my money. You have inaccurately placed the Headus UV tutorial in the wrong place. Where you have it, gives the illusion that it is a Lightwave specific product only!

While I appreciate your commitment to the LW community, this sort of error can and will sour potential customers. Just my opinion. However, I look forward to future tutorials, sadly I will have to pass on this one. Regards ~Tony

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