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# Information Play Length

Lesson 1: UV mapping begins

29 Minutes

Lesson 2: UV mapping continues

31 Minutes

Lesson 3: Adding details to the geometry for more realism

33 Minutes

Lesson 4: Making adjustments to the model for landing pose

34 Minutes

Lesson 5: Test rendering reflection maps and making window glass

24 Minutes

Lesson 6: Creating the wing tile texture

32 Minutes

Lesson 7: Making the termal tile texture for the bottom of the body

32 Minutes

Lesson 8: Adding detail to the tile textures

24 Minutes

Lesson 9: Surfacing and adding procedural noise textures to tiles

32 Minutes

Lesson 10: Painting in detail on the wing color map in Photoshop

32 Minutes

Lesson 11: Adding more detail and irregularity to the wing texture

39 Minutes

Lesson 12: Texturing the area where the wing and belly meet

30 Minutes

Lesson 13: Adding text and logo to the wing and painting dirt

32 Minutes

Lesson 14: Texture painting of dirt and discoloration on metal

21 Minutes

Lesson 15: Creating a color map for the cockpit and upper body

36 Minutes

Lesson 16: Continuing to create textures for the upper body

22 Minutes

Lesson 17: Painting in panel lines for the tiles of the upper body

25 Minutes

Lesson 18: Painting of panel lines continues

24 Minutes

Lesson 19: Finalizing panel lines and breaking up symmetry

31 Minutes

Lesson 20: Texturing the bottom of the wing

26 Minutes

Lesson 21: Texturing the nose

37 Minutes

Lesson 22: Continuing to add detail to the nose textures

29 Minutes

Lesson 23: Painting the texture maps for the tip of the nose

30 Minutes

Lesson 24: Texturing the wing flaps

32 Minutes

Lesson 25: Connecting lines where different texture maps meet

30 Minutes

Lesson 26: Texturing of tail, wheels and shuttle exhaust

26 Minutes

Lesson 27: Continuing to texture shuttle exhaust and back area

34 Minutes

Lesson 28: Adding dirt to the sides of the shuttle

32 Minutes

Lesson 29: Creating the bump maps for the shuttle body

30 Minutes

Lesson 30: Finishing touches to the shuttle side maps

22 Minutes

Lesson 31: Tweaking maps and assigning them to the model

21 Minutes

Lesson 32: Painting the environment composite with landing strip

35 Minutes

Lesson 33: Scene set up with grass and landing strip in Layout

29 Minutes

Lesson 34: Adding weight maps and test rendering shuttle materials

26 Minutes

Lesson 35: Tweaking lights and materials in Layout

29 Minutes

Lesson 36: Creating materials for landing gear and windows

34 Minutes

Lesson 37: Continuing to tweak textures and materials

23 Minutes

Lesson 38: Adding smoke trails with particles and compositing them

26 Minutes

Lesson 39: Color correction and finalizing composite in Photoshop

31 Minutes
This tutorial has 39 parts

The Space Shuttle Discovery Volume 2

Learn to paint textures for hard surface models to a high standard, as well as set up lighting and materials to get a photorealistic render of the space shuttle Discovery. Through 20 hours of tuition, this project-based course will teach you all the texturing and lighting techniques you'll need to know to create your own top-notch renders. We also covers post-production of images and creating seamless environment composites in Photoshop

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Price: 49.95