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Old 09-03-2005, 07:20 PM   #1
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Default Looking at Lightwave

Hello everyone,

I've been practicing 3d modeling for a while and was looking to make an investment on a program. I've been looking at lightwave.

The last program I worked with was Maya 4.0 and I wanted to get some opinions about lightwave from the people who use it.

I still consider myself to be somewhat of a beginner when it comes to 3d modeling. So I'm really looking for something thats not too complicated where I can learn animation, work on texturing techniques, as well as modeling. I prefer modeling with polygons more than NURBs.

I just want to know how different Lightwave is from Maya? What are some of its better qualities and where is it lacking? How is the standard renderer? What are some of the standard plug-ins that comes with lightwave? Just looking on this site's video section I noticed something about MotionDesigner. Is that a standard plugin or is it like cloth effects in Maya and requires purchasing a more expensive version? Are there a good deal of online tutorials I could dig up on Lightwave?

Any comments anyone can give would be really helpful.

Thanks everyone,
Library Guy
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Old 12-03-2005, 04:53 PM   #2
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The first thing is deciding on what you plan to do in 3D- a career, hobby, or maybe use it sparingly as part of your current occupation.

Lightwave is great right out of the box because it's cheap and powerful with a great community of users willing to help out. there is a lot of free plugin tools to expand the envelope, as a serious user or hobbyist, it's a great way to go. However;If you are planning on a career you might want to spend more money, time, and effort with Maya. There seems to be more studios that go with Maya for the heavy duty stuff, I,m sure you'll get arguments either way, that's because people are very passionate about the software they use and rightly so because they invest so much time and effort into their application.

I don't know if that helped much, but play around with each app's learning or discovery editions which are usually free before you dispense with the big payouts.
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Old 13-03-2005, 01:11 PM   #3
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Well i agree to a certain extent.

My personal views will be. I chose to start off with Lightwave because of its modeller. Its really top notch. But currently there is steep competition with Zbrush, Modo, Wings3D, Silo. To name a few.

But what i like really is that not only Lightwave is a good modeller. Its kind of like Maya, there is dynamics and stuff built in. No need to look elswhere, unless you are using Lightwave for serious usage.

Ok most people,, industry wise use Lightwave for product display sort of things. Its a cheap package with a nice renderer. More like commercial products render, perfumes, what nots. You should look at some of the artist works. Although there is stuff like Jimmy Neutron and so on to show you what Lightwave can do when pushed.

I seriously think that the technique is whats important. Not really the software. And yes, people move from Lightwave to Maya, not really the other way round. Hehe same with me, too. But Lightwave is what i use at home and for freelance stuff. Maya,,, just getting into it for studio based stuff.

So go ahead and use Lightwave, you will find that its value beyond the buck you are paying for.

As far as plugin, there is a lot out there, use Flay.com to search for some.

Good Luck,
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Old 13-03-2005, 03:52 PM   #4
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Talking Thanks guys

Thank you guys for your replies!

At this point I enjoy 3d programs more as a hobby than anything else. I really don't see it as a future career per say but more as a way to let my imagination run wild.

You guys have given me a lot to think about while I'm fleshing out what I will purchase.

I knew that Maya had a PLE but didn't know if Lightwave had something similar. Definitely must check it out.

Thanks again guys!

Happy modeling!
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Old 14-03-2005, 07:27 PM   #5
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Lightwave has a Discovery Edition but it is a trial.
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Old 15-03-2005, 05:33 AM   #6
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Hey I just found this on ebay. If you are looking to use Lightwave as a hobby I recommend it!

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