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Old 11-05-2007, 02:25 AM   #1
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Default greatest plugins eva

what are those favorite 3rd party plugins that u just cant do without, what do they do, and if known where can u get them- I thought it would be cool if we could get a list going here- we just might find something that someone else is using that could save us hours of work...
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Old 11-05-2007, 03:33 PM   #2
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F-Prime springs to mind...I'll figure out some more when I have time.

In terms of commercial plugins - Messiah Studio? I'm only just getting into it but it has some really nice features. I would love a copy of Syflex Cloth and RealFlow but just can't justify the expense.

Vertibevel, I've heard is nice but since I tend not to be a hard-surface modeller, then I suppose for me its not so important.

If you can call it a plugin as well - ZBrush? Its something that adds to the workflow, not necessarily a plugin.
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Old 12-05-2007, 12:01 PM   #3
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oh yes I hear u on real flow!!! that one I want real bad! as an alternative, Have u seen the liquid engine on blender now days, that can produce some pretty serious splash effects, and its free, the problem is you have to get past the terrible interface first :-/
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Old 13-05-2007, 05:32 PM   #4
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Tried Blender once (even had a hands-on session with some of the developers at some expo or other years ago) ... couldn't get to grips with it at all... never tried it since (then again, I can't even get along with 3D studio, so maybe the Blender interface isn't so crap after all )

Still, plugins I find I can't (couldn't) live without are:

(1) fPrime ...
(2) Blochi's thickener - because I'm too lazy to do it by hand
(3) IFW Textures - because my texturing sucks and these have a nice collection to work with
(4) Any of the David Ikeda tools (before they were rolled into LW)
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Old 15-05-2007, 12:05 AM   #5
Warlock 279
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I can't say I'm one for using a lot of plugs, I like to find them, go, "dude, that rocks! I need that." download them, then leave them sitting zipped in a folder till I've forgotten I even have them or what they're supposed to do, and end up never using them, but there are a few I do have installed and do use from time to time or regularly.

I've got a couple of the "PLG" plugs installed. They're great for UV'ing, ONLY if you've already got a good grasp on UVing, and seam placement, definitely speeds the process up a bit. For those interested...

PLG Plugins...

Polygon Coloring; a must have for rendering subpatched wireframes. I'm not sure there's really a better way to do it.

Polygon Coloring...

Merge TirgonsX; Attempts to convert a tripled mesh into a quad mesh, does a pretty fair job, useful mostly for importing meshes going between software, and low poly work. [Can't seem to track this one down, its older tho I believe, and there's a host of newer ones that do the same thing, possibly better, listed on Flay.]

Last group of plug-ins I use, are some normal mapping ones. They can be found, with a small tutorial at the attached link, and I think they're used in the free normal mapping tutorial video on Simply as well. Again, they're older, and I'm not at all sure of their compatibility with v[]9.

Normal Mapping...

One more I want to mention, tho I don't use because I've had some stability issues with them, which I have little doubt is specific to my computer and I know a few people that do use them without problem, is Dennis Pontonnier's Renderman ports.

Renderman Collection

That's my rundown, on the "greatest plugins eva!" Don't use too many, but the ones I do, are there for good reason. I even posted links to most of them for ya, aren't I nice? :p

Cheers guys. :beer:
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